Dental Implants

image 7Are you missing a lot of teeth? Do you have holes that you would like them with something permanent? Maybe you should consider dental implant.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that holds a replacement tooth where your own natural tooth once was. Made of titanium, a bio compatible material that fuses naturally to your jawbone, a dental implant permanently replaces the root of the dead, damaged or diseased tooth.

Missing teeth can distract from an otherwise beautiful smile and cause other dental problems that can lead to the loss of even more teeth. If you have missing or badly damaged teeth that make it difficult to chew and embarrassing to smile, dental implants are the permanent solution.

Restore your smile with us, with the most modern and advanced dental techniques and versatile materials that are stronger and long-lasting.

Crowns, bridges and dentures can then be attached to the implants to replace the missing teeth. Dental implants are therefore a treatment option for nearly every patient who needs teeth replaced – from patients who have lost one tooth to patients with no teeth left at all. Once the implants are secured, we will attach a handcrafted permanent crown to each post. Your new crowns will match your natural teeth perfectly.

Dental Implant Benefits:

  • Are permanent
  • A long-term solution for one or several missing teeth
  • Allows you to eat any type of food you like
  • Self-supportive, they don’t damage your remaining natural teeth
  • Stimulate bone growth just like natural teeth
  • Comfortable
  • Promotes a healthy jawbone
  • Will never shift around while speaking or eating
  • Easy to maintain
  • Not susceptible to cavities
  • Restore chewing ability to enjoy all the foods you love
  • Preserve your facial structure
  • Take care of them just like natural teeth!

To find out how a dental implant can help you look and feel better, please call us at DEMO 123-1234 to schedule a consultation.